Websites with wordpress and 2 hours training £500

JellyBEAN will set up your wordpress website and teach you how to use it on the cheap but with a theme of your choice. hosting will be £35 for 1st 12 months then £70 there after, if you are new to this we can also buy a domain name for you from £10 per 2 years.

Thats it! A website for your company, sport club academy or association.

Please email

WordPress websites and training

We are offering you a wordpress website and training including hosting for this month only at an amazingly cheap price.

you will have a fully SEO and interned optimised site with training courses information toy get you noticed on Google.

All you need to do is email,we shall do the rest.

Website design Offer Summer 2012

JellyBEAN training courses London Cambridge web design

JellyBEAN Web Summer 2012 are offering start up websites London Cambridge Oxford UK from £300 for 6 pages, all we need is your text, images, logo and you decide if you would like to have your site hosted for 12 months from £35 plus domain name from £15 per 2 years.

WordPress content managed sites with template and 2 hours of training £699 hosting will be £55 for the first year then £70 there after, domain names from £15

That simple! We can do all of this without visiting the client via email and telephone.

Feel free to call email just ask.

We can get you on the web within no time.

0844 567 5180 or email NOW

Website Design Professional but simple effective and cheap

JellyBEAN are designing and developing professional looking websites with SEO in place along with wordpress blog and the ability for you to edit, update images and text, including 2 hours of FREE training.

this offer will continue for the remaining of 2012.

for a quote and time scale please email us now

By using a blog and well written blog will help your organic search engine ranking, ill tell you more if you decite to choose JellyBEAN for you new website.

Check out our customers

Recommend JellyBEAN and receive £20.00*

Recommend JellyBEAN for web training courses, hosting, web design and development and receive £20.00*

We are running this limited offer for friends who recommend another for our services including courses in:

  • Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Adobe Flash
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign
  • WordPress
  • SEO (search engine optimisation)
  • Internet Marketing
  • HTML Newsletters
  • HTML
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • CSS
The courses vary in prices and locations including training at your offices or home.
Web site design and development using WordPress from £299 this will give you a content managed site with or without a blog.
 *Offer only applies if booking is made and full payment is received then we shall pay you £20.00 - offer for web training courses, hosting, web design and development and receive £20.00*


Hosting offer you cant miss

IMAGE: JellyBEAN LogoWeb hosting for 3 years once only offer £149 with email and support, this offer include wordpress installation and database.

3 years generic hosting without database great for brochure websites, only £90 with support,

Any questions please call or email.

offer ends June 1st 2012.

Websites designed in 3 days for £10 per week September to December 2011

JellyBEAN are offering a CMS based website for £10 per week with a one off yearly payment of £70 for hosting.

We will get your site up and running in 3 days providing we have all images and text from you prior to us starting your site. It is an amazing start up offer you must not miss.

You will receive:

  • 12 months web hosting
  • Professional looking and functioning site
  • CMS where you can edit, add text and images via any web browser
  • Working form to email page
  • SEO search engine optimisation
  • option to change the template at a cllick of a button.
  • 12 month contract
  • from 1 to 10 pages
You will need a domain name and host with us normally around £12 for a for 2 years (we can organise this for you)
Thats it!
Please email StartUP Offer